Bless the LORD, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name.

Rosie Hightower, founder and director of the House of Hope, is a believer in Jesus Christ! She struggled with crack addiction, but was delivered from this debilitating disease over 33 years ago. “I am radical for Christ!”, exclaims Rosie. “My mission in life is to use my testimony to let others know about God’s power to deliver and to let every addict, from small town alleys to the streets of the big city, know that God can, will and still delivers! My hope and prayer is that every addict will someday be free.”

After 15 years in private industry, God closed that door and opened another door which propelled Rosie to take her ministry to the next level. On May 1, 2005, she took a grand leap of faith, and with prayer and support of friends, she opened the doors to House of Hope Christ Centered Recovery, Inc.

In 2001, Rosie made Peace Baptist Church (Pastor Tyrone E. Barnette) her church home. She previously ministered at My Sisters’ House, a drug rehabilitation center where she once called home. She currently serves as a leader in Celebrate Recovery (a 12 step Christian-based recovery program) and is a Certified Addiction Recovery Empowerment Specialist (CARES) through Georgia Council on Substance Abuse

“I’m living out my dream. I’m seeing people being delivered from their addiction and living a clean and sober life through the power of God,” Rosie said.


404-286-9746 ♥ 678-789-2503 ♥

Grace and mercy are the key components that I feel are necessary to a successful recovery.